About The Book

Rebuilding Therapy, Overcoming the Past for a More Effective Future By Dr. Michael Gass

A breakthrough therapy in the mental health field, rebuilding therapy was developed by Dr. Gass, primarily as a means of assisting individuals and families to rebuild psychologically from past mistreatment, dysfunction and/or trauma. Rebuilding Therapy utilizes psychodrama methodology, techniques and theory. Psychodrama is the reliving, re-experiencing or reenacting of past and present experiences to heal and rebuild from or at least to grow from in a healthy way. Psychodrama gives the patient an opportunity to more authentically face and address the issues and problems in one’s life. Role training or active practice and rehearsal is another integral part of Rebuilding Therapy. Rebuilding Therapy also integrates transactional analysis (structural analysis and the influence of script analysis) and redecision therapy into psychodrama to strengthen the theoretical foundation of psychodrama. The psychodramatic process (psychodrama) is provided individually, and in group, family, marital and relationship therapy. Relaxation exercises or relaxation, which is equivalent to hypnosis, is used as needed. Other therapeutic approaches as needed are used.

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Rebuilding therapy is based on the belief that a person is basically the product of his or her past and present. Its major focus using psychodrama, is for the patient to clinically relive, re-experience or reenact major abusive, rejecting, traumatic, or negative life experiences in order to face and reevaluate unhealthy feelings, thinking, and decisions associated with this experience, which the patient can change, release, and rebuild from. One experience often represents other similar experiences. In addition to post birth experiences, rebuilding therapy pays attention to prenatal development and to the birth process, while also addressing these factors therapeutically regarding their psychological impact. Rebuilding therapy also has the methodology to solely work with present issues as needed. Additionally, Dr. Gass provides a chapter on the need to protect patient rights, safety, security, confidentiality and the well-being of anyone taking part in psychotherapy. In the first book on this reconstructive therapy, Dr. Gass discusses its theoretical foundations, methodology and approaches to acquaint mental health and related professionals with its value on a short and long-term basis and to expand on the understanding of personality development and psychological functioning. He further identifies this and related psychotherapies for use in other arenas on the local, state, national and international levels in such areas as law enforcement, corrections, the justice system, the legal profession, education, sports, religion, business, politics, and international relations with the aim of reducing conflict and inappropriate behavior, resolving problems and improving psychological functioning and relationships.

Subject Areas Include:

  • The Need for Something with a Breakthrough Nature
  • What is Rebuilding Therapy?
  • Guidelines for Rebuilding Therapy
  • Theoretical Foundations of Rebuilding Therapy
  • Other Methods and Approaches in Relation to Rebuilding Therapy
  • Acting and Living Out the Specific Roles 
  • Basic Psychodramatic Rebuilding Therapy Methods
  • Other Psychodramatic Rebuilding Therapy Methods
  • Letting Go and Breaking Free Psychodramatic Methods
  • Confronting Resistant and Sabotaging Behavior
  • The Suicide Method
  • Confronting Dangerous and Inappropriate Behavior
  • The Reparenting Method
  • Reliving the Experience
  • Prenatal Factors and the Birth Process on Psychological Development and the Value of Psychotherapy in This Area
  • Rebuilding the Family
  • The Place for Rebuilding Therapy in Psychotherapy and Other Areas
  • Bibliography
  • Index
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